New York State Assembly Member Chantel Jackson partnered with State Senator Jose Serrano, St. Barnabas Health and Montefiore to host a fun day of lunch and bingo for constituents on Thursday, Jan. 23, at the PSS Andrew Jackson Senior Center, located at 325 E. 156th St.
Jackson’s office and Serrano’s staff facilitated multiple rounds of bingo with the seniors at the community center before handing out lunches. Each bingo winner was awarded $25 gift cards for grocery shopping, courtesy of the St. Barnabas Center. The lunches were provided by Montefiore.
After lunch, the seniors had the opportunity to meet Jackson and Serrano in a fun and relaxed environment. They were able to voice their concerns to their local elected officials, as well as give feedback and feel like a valued part of their community.
“Since session has begun, I want to make sure I take advantage of any opportunity to spend time with my constituents, especially our seniors, who may be experiencing isolation due to the harsh weather,” Jackson said.
Jackson represents New York State’s 79th Assembly District, which encapsulates the Bronx neighborhoods of Concourse Village, Morrisania, Melrose, Belmont, Claremont and East Tremont.
Serrano represents New York State’s 29th Senate District, which features the neighborhoods of Mott Haven, Melrose, Highbridge and Morris Heights in the Bronx and East Harlem, Yorkville part of the Upper West Side in Manhattan.