Construction will soon begin on a new residential development along Jerome Avenue.
Real estate developer Bronx Pro Group has confirmed that it will construct a mixed-use 16-story affordable/supportive housing building at 1769 Jerome Avenue.
The development will result in 175 units with a mixture of studios, one-bedroom, two-bedroom and three-bedroom apartments. The rent range of the units will be between $843 to $2,088.
According to Bronx Pro Group, the rents and incomes are restricted to a diverse range of income bands between 40 and 80 percent of the area median income (AMI), as well as units reserved for the formerly homeless.
The first floor will yield nearly 14,000 square feet, which will include about 7,000 square feet of ground-floor retail and the other 7,000 square feet of space for on-site social services. Floors 2 through 16 will range from about 6,500 to 10,000 square feet due to several setbacks incorporated into the design.
The building will include a laundry room and a fitness center, along with 24-hour security.
The developer has agreed to landscape the East 176th Street step street, which mitigates the steep elevation change between Jerome and Davidson avenues.
For this project, Bronx Pro Group will be partnering up with Services for the UnderServed, a NYC-based non-profit social services organization.
BPG will also collaborate will architectural firm Marvel Architects on this development.
According to Bronx Pro Group, the project will strive to meet the highest, economically feasible energy efficiencies while providing a brand new activated street front for pedestrians in line with the NYC Department of City Planning’s rezoning strategy.
“The proposed construction will dramatically improve the street front with new ground floor retail along Jerome Avenue, as well as provide supportive and affordable housing units along with on-site social services,” said a Bronx Pro Group spokesperson.
The construction site was formerly occupied by the Jerome Motel which was demolished in December. Construction is expected to begin at the end of August, with completion by December 2021.
This project compliments the Jerome Avenue Neighborhood Plan, a two-mile, 72-block rezoning process which will result in more affordable housing units, increased employment opportunities and other neighborhood improvements.
Community Board 5 was unable to be reached for comment on this development.