As we approach the holiday season Cuntron Field gets louder even with a rain delay on Saturday. The highlights for Sunday are follows:
Capital Shield sheathed is swords and tied Silvestri Carpet, 1-1 The lone goal for Capital was scored by Hannah Rigoglioso with an assist by Rebeca Cerini. The remainder of the team played a strong match with some amazing saves by goalie Patrick Connolly.
The Knights from St Benedict’s “froze out” ABO Refrigeration, 4-0. The lancers were Arton Biberaj (2), Joe Healy (1) and Antonio Cipollone (1). Great passing from Squires Giovanna Schettino, Taylor Russin and Kalongi Grayman. Defending the castle were Marco Trombetta, Alex Kosko and Robert Schwartz.
The wait staff at Crosstown Diner “wipe down the counters” of American A-1 Auto, 3-0.The short order cook was Alfred Beqira with the hattrick. Helping to set up the goals were Christopher Guarino, Allyssa Weiss and Jacob Lopez. Strong defense from Anthony Cacece and a shutout was pitched by keeper, Liam Tighe.
McNulty’s F.H. “buried “ Bonavita Keyfood, 4-0. The honor guard was formed by Nicky Kola (2), Brian Kimmel (1) and Peter Shadwick (1). Services were lead by Kaitlyn Brandsteter and Briana & Caitlin Brown. Taps were blown by Cole Wiehler Kelly Crorkin in the net.
S & J Marine “sunk” Vito’s Deli, 2-0. Leading mariners were Steve Von Kessel and Emmitt Foxe, on a penalty kick. Strong midfield play from Angelo Gugliara, Chris Serrano and Chris Von Kessel. The anchor was weighed by Matt Aquino, Ethan O’Brien, Peter Mullane, Joe Leidy and tender, Blaise Narcisco.
The athletes from Edgewarer eeked out a win over Barino’s Market, their first loss, 2-1. Vaulting past Barino’s were Lauren Schnepf ancd Ilirian Gijata with a goal each. The spotters were Joey Mosiello, Deruck Solari and Sammy Bibaraj. The lone goal for Barino’s came from Justin McConville. Other strong performances from Jessie Von Kessel, Peter Wiehler, Nico Sacco, Samantha Pecorelli, Katherin Carew and Kyle Brandstetter.
In a match that required PT to soothe aching muscles, “ Magnificent Seven” from McDonald’s defeated Pro Actove Therapy, 2-1. On the grill were Zachary Smith and Matthew Kahn flipping in a goal each. Serving up fries and soda were Kevin Peters, Veronica O’Brien, Tommy Forte, Jack Walsh and William Postada. The lone goal for the therapists was supplied by Christina Santoro. The “O” was supplied by Christian Alvear, Robert Spencer, John Heaney and Kenny Banker. Strong “D” from Luke Valdarez, Dimitri Franklin, Jake Valdares and Frank Lubelli.