Second beautiful weekend, just before the Autumnal Equinox, had the players of AFC Rapid playing a full schedule of games. The highlights of the matches:
F & J Wilson played Franchise Contractors to a 1-1 tie. The3 lone goal for F & J was scored by Alexis King with the push supplied by Michael Hangar, Lyna Chavez and William Tracy. The wall of defense was manned by Enrique Concepcion, Frank Mennone and Chelsea Hernandez. The goalie tandem was Gabtiele Giordano and Vincent Palazzolo.
The athletes from Edgewater AA “sunk the ships” of the Throgs Neck Clipper, 5-1. The top javelin thrower were Ilirian Gjata (2), Joey Mosiello(2) and Lauren Schnepf(1). Offensuve help came from Nikkoletta Marku and the “D” was supplied by Michael Trombetta.
Barino’s Market wouldn’t sell to Ann Clair Catering defeating them 5-1. Leading the scoring were Nico Sacco (2), Mike Crorkin (2) and Justin McConvile (1). The workers that slammed the door were Samantha Pecorelli, Skylar Cullen, Victoria Costa and Peter Wiehler in the net.
Ronald was smiling, as McDonald’s “flattened the tires at Five J Automotive, 5-0. Manning the grill were Matthew Kahn (3), Veronica O’Brien (1) and Jack Walsh (1). Other offensive help came from Brianne Morales. The “D” was provided by Kevin Peters and Zachary Smith.
Bronx City Recycling “recycled” Westchester-Bronx OB/GYN, 3-2. Nora Meaney, team captain, scored the first goal assisted byMelissa McKay. The second goal came from Maryellen Doino assisted by Anna Savino. These were the scores for West.-Bronx. Other offensive standouts were Lisa Popvich, Christina Todino and Rhiana Perduzzo. Even in a tough loss the defensive stars were Kaitlin Boyle, Briana Persaud and Dannielle Acceto.
S&J Marine sailed into Vito’s Deli and tied 1-1. The lone goal for S & J was scored by Emmit Foxe. The “O” came from Steve &n Chris Von Kessel, David Moran and Peter Mullane. Defensive cudos go to Thomas Maher, Matt Aquino and goal tender, Blair Narcisco, Whose diving save kept the score tied.
Capital Shield Agency “held court” over T.Rodriguez,Esq., 4-0. The scoring for Capital was spread among Hannah Rigoglioso (2), Isabelle Ayala (1) and Ricky Rivera (1). Outstanding play from Rebecca Cerini, Jennifer Natale and Andrew Bulla. The shutout was pitched by Patrick Connolly.
C I Contracting “walled up” International Caterers, 4-0. The scoring was shared equally among Leo Kibler, Dino Esposito, Michael Kroner and Ashley Pacheco.
Other star offensive players showing skill and motivation were Daniella Zirpolo, Emily Herera, Jonathan Neill, Kevin Kocovic and Angelina Sanabria.
The “D” was held by James Leidy, Patrick Baumgardner and Brian Cassidy. The shutout was preserved by the goalie trio of Cassidy, Baumgardner and Sanabria, serving double duty.
The Body Fixers defeated the Engine Fixers, Finest Auto Body over American A-1, 5-2. Allysa Hill had the Hattrick +2 for all the goals for Finest, assisted by Nicholas Musacchio. Matthew Perrone and Grace Labbate controlled the midfield. The defense was held by Domenick Arciola and Goalie, Theresa Walsh.
McNulty F.H. shutout Pro active Physical Therapy, 3-0. Scoring was supplied by Nicky Kola (2) and Peter Shadwick (1). Other outstanding performances from Craig Brandstetter, Cole Wiehler, Brian Kimmel, Kaitlyn Brandstetter, Aiden Kimmel, Kelly Crorkin and “the Walsh Twins” Excrllent performances in a losing effort f9or Pro Active by Victoria Rinaldi, Dimitri Franklin, Arturo Sanchez, Christina Santina, Luke Valadares and Frank Lubelli.
Crosstown Diner played Soma Health Club to a 1-1 tie. For Crosstown, standouts were Christopher Guarino (1), enaida Perez, Alfred BegirraAnthony Cacace, Mateo Nonis and Liam Tighe. For Proactive, standouts were Ruben Concepcion (1), Aine Sheehan, Christopher Wells, Vincent Jones and Albert Rugova.