Benedetto: Throggs Neck, Pelham Bay being left out of Cross Bronx proposal

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To the Editor, 

The following is an open letter to Pete Buttigieg, secretary of the U.S. Department of Transportation, that was sent to the Bronx Times by its author.

Dear Secretary Buttigieg,

I write to you to voice my opposition to a proposal to “cap” the Cross Bronx Expressway, in its current iteration. It completely ignores similar problems affecting the communities I represent in the New York State Assembly’s 82nd District.

While I agree with the premise for “decking” of the Cross Bronx Expressway as expressed in a letter addressed to you from my colleagues in the Bronx Delegation, the proposal leaves out the Bruckner Expressway portion of I-95 which should also be included.

This roadway travels through Throggs Neck and Pelham Bay.

I do not understand why these areas were omitted. The citizens in the Throggs Neck and Pelham Bay communities should be entitled to the same benefits as other communities along the I-95 corridor. I therefore implore you to include all highways that comprise the I-95 corridor in the name of environmental justice for all Bronx residents.

Michael Benedetto, 

New York State Assembly