The 32nd Annual Throggs Neck Halloween Parade and Street Fair will take place again this year on Halloween itself: Saturday, October 31.
The festivities begin at 11:30 a.m. with children decked out in costume preparing for the parade.
After the parade through the streets of Throggs Neck, there will be a street fair.
The event has traditionally been coordinated by the siting assemblyman’s office, and this year is no exception, with Assemblyman Michael Benedetto once again taking the lead.
Congressman Crowley, Senator Jeff Klein and Councilman James Vacca and their respective staffs will assist Assemblyman Benedetto.
“It is a good place for families to get together and celebrate the season,” said Ben Randazzo, chief-of-staff for the assemblyman, of the parade and street fair.
The parade starts at noon with a tentative route of Harding Avenue to East Tremont Avenue to the Throgs Neck Expressway service road and back onto Throgs Neck Boulevard.
The street fair will include rides, games, and a costume contest for different age groups: 0-3, 4-6, 7-10 and 11-13, said Randazzo. A first, second and third place will be awarded in each age category, he added.
It was also include raffles for prizes like meals at local restaurants, a ‘Build a Bear’ concession and a DJ, said Randazzo.
Additionally, in previous years, there has been face painting, spin art, bounchies and games, he said.
The event was first hosted in the 1980s by then-Assemblyman John Dearie and has continued annually since.
“The assemblyman is extremely proud to be part of this tradition,” said Randazzo. “It is not easy to raise money for this every year. We are happy that we can do it and we look forward to doing this for many years. to come.”
To support the event, Randazzo said that the assemblyman often turns to the local merchants and the business community as partners. He also relies on the other local elected officials.
“Without them it would not be as good a parade” said Randazzo. “Everyone chips in with money and volunteerss to make it all a success.”
He added: “To see the smiling faces of the children playing…is well worth the time and effort that we put into this parade.”
About 3,000 people are expected to attend this year, said Randazzo.