Tim Burton’s “A Nightmare Before Christmas” Light Trail
Friday, Nov. 1, 6-10 p.m.
New York Botanical Garden, 2900 Southern Blvd.
While Halloween may have come and gone by then, there is still plenty of time left to be in the spooky spirit. Join Jack Skellington and his Halloween friends from the classic Tim Burton film “A Nightmare Before Christmas” for a walk of wonders at New York’s most treasured garden. See the characters, scenes and songs from the film come to life at this spectacle illuminating the film’s art with botanical beauty. This event is also a great way to kick off the coming holiday season, with Christmas right around the corner.
For more information, visit https://thenightmarebeforechristmaslighttrail.com/.
Harvest Kids Fall Festival
Saturday, Nov. 2, 3-6 p.m.
Harvest Fields Community Church, 2626 E. Tremont Ave.
Celebrate the Fall season at this fun event being put together by Harvest Fields Community Church. Kids will have a great time as they enjoy playing the fun games that will be on hand, jump around in the bouncy house and create their own arts and crafts. This fun-filled afternoon is intended for kids 4-12 years old.
For more information, visit https://www.hfcc1.org/events/harvest-kids-fall-festival or contact Nancy Rodriguez at hfcckids@hfccone.org.
Five and Cinco
Sunday, Nov. 3, 3-3:30 p.m.
Bronx Music Hall, 438 E. 163rd St.
This original multimedia production is perfect for kids 2-5 years of age. Each of the five senses are explored through movement, sensory exploration, puppetry and play. Piper the Puppet will be leading these youngsters on sensory exploration, which also celebrates the uniqueness of New York City’s boroughs.
For more information, visit https://ci.ovationtix.com/36821/production/1215490?performanceId=11533520.
Bronx Medal Monday 2024
Monday, Nov. 4, 1-8 p.m.
The Bronx Brewery and Empanology, 856 East 136th St.
Bronx residents who participate in the 2024 New York City Marathon will want to come to this event, which will provide them with a fun afternoon of connection, wellness support and recognition of the massive accomplishment of completing the marathon. Throughout the event, there will be massage therapy treatments, compression recovery boot treatments, medal engraving and medal portrait photography available. There will also be a community walk held at 6:30 p.m.
For more information, visit https://www.eventbrite.com/e/bronx-medal-monday-2024-tickets-1032930802837.
Fall Foliage: Accessible Views from the Garden
Tuesday, Nov. 5, 1-2 p.m.
Perkins Visitor Center, Wave Hill, 4900 Independence Ave.
Free, with admission to grounds ($10 for adults, $6 for students 18+ and seniors 65+ and $4 for children 6-18)
Take in Wave Hill’s colorful foliage during its seasonal peak, as garden experts discuss their favorite trees and shrubs. This walk around the garden will follow paved pathways.
For more information, visit https://www.wavehill.org/calendar/fall-foliage-accessible-views-from-the-garden-11-5.
Vault Hill Meadow Workday Wednesday
Wednesday, Nov. 6, 9 a.m. – 12 p.m.
Van Cortlandt Golf House in Van Cortlandt Park
Join the Van Cortlandt Park Alliance in their efforts to restore the natural biodiversity at Vault Hill Meadow through the removal of invasive plant species. Porcelain berry and multiflora rose are among the plants that volunteers will assist in removing. Gloves, tools and any other necessary equipment will be provided. Volunteers are recommended to wear long sleeves, pants and sturdy shoes, and to bring along water and snacks, in addition to their enthusiasm for fieldwork and environmental restoration.
For more information, visit https://www.nycgovparks.org/events/2024/11/06/vault-hill-meadow-workday-wednesdays1.
Norwood Farm Stand
Thursday, Nov. 7, 9:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m.
East Gun Hill Road and Dekalb Avenue
Stop by this GrowNYC Farmstand location for great fresh and affordable food. The food is grown by farmers in the northeastern region of the United States. This food access program also offers important job opportunities for New Yorkers, in addition to providing residents with access to fresh and healthy food.
For more information, visit https://www.grownyc.org/farmstand/norwood.