A feud between a tenant and his landlord led to bloodshed last week in Throggs Neck.
According to a NYPD spokesman, on Wednesday, February 22 at 6:30 p.m. 45th Precinct police officers discovered an unconscious and unresponsive Zakir Khan, 44, with multiple stab wounds to his chest, in front of 1001 Logan Avenue.
Khan was rushed to Jacobi Medical Center where he was pronounced deceased.
His landlord, Taha Mahran, 51, allegedly murdered him over a rent dispute.
Police confirmed Khan’s 12-year-old son witnessed the murder but was unharmed.
A NYPD source said Mahran entered the 45th Precinct station house covered in blood stating he stabbed someone with a knife which he had tossed down a sewer.
The murder weapon, a kitchen knife, was recovered by investigators from the sewer in front of the corner home.
Law enforcement stated Khan had three prior arrests while Mahran had no criminal history.
Khan had been arrested for criminal contempt, aggravated phone harassment and stalking.
A Bangladesh-born U.S. citizen, Khan moved to Parkchester in 1992 and rose to prominence among its large Bangladeshi community.
Khan, a married father of three, owned Parkchester Real Estate New York formerly located at 16 Westchester Square, Suite 3. The property now houses a McDonald’s.
Mahran, also Bangladeshi, has been charged with murder, manslaughter and criminal possession of a weapon.
The married father of three was arraigned at Bronx Criminal Court on Thursday, February 23 following a psychological evaluation at Jacobi.
Khan allegedly promised to rent Mahran’s $1,500 a month apartment with the intent to buy it, but instead moved his family in without a lease.
The 3-bedroom, 1-bath rental is listed on his Parkchester Real Estate website for $1,575 per month.
Khan was reportedly nine months behind in his rent after shutting down his real estate business.
Assemblyman Luis Sepulveda said Mahran contacted him and Senator Ruben Diaz, Sr. to speed up Khan’s eviction, but only a housing court judge could grant his request.
A warrant of eviction had been secured, however Mahran became infuriated after Khan received an extension.
Sepulveda said Khan worked hard to empower the Bangladeshi community and would be remembered for his advocacy and dedication.
He added Mahran was generally a peaceful man whose violent act was totally out of character.
Sepulveda called the incident a tragedy for both families.
A neighbor said Mahran lived there for 13 years and spent a lot of time maintaining the 1-family frame house.
He was always respectful until Khan moved in a year ago, the neighbor added.
The source confirmed Khan participated in a series of actions to taunt Mahran, such as spreading trash all over the property.
“Taha Mahran never raised his voice once until Zakir Khan moved in,” the neighbor said. “Taha was a very calm man so whatever happened between them must have really set him off.”
“Zakir Khan was a very good friend of mine,” said Mohammed Mujumder, Community Board 9 Land and Zoning chairman. “He was a nice, caring husband and father and regardless of what he allegedly did, he didn’t deserve to die in such a barbaric manner.”