Okay…we had an informational meeting with Community Board 10 regarding the group home Frank Porco is placing on the corner of Lawton Avenue and Throgs Neck Boulevard. Some questions answered by the sponsoring group, the Institutes for Applied Human Dynamics, made us a little uneasy. One was that they planned to have three supervisors there during the day and that they planned to have two during the night. Considering that their representative used the word planned, there was no guarantee that this would be a set in stone figure and we are not happy about that. Also, we were told that the supervisors who will be overseeing the clients at that location are paid just above minimum wage. We are wondering what type of supervision will be enforced there. The majority of people at the meeting were against the placement of the group home at that location and we will do whatever we can to get it moved. We’ll keep on fighting.
We are happy that Community Board 10 asked for an extension on its vote and we intend to make very good use of it by looking for alternate site to offer the state for the group home. We have to give the state three alternate locations. If anyone knows of a good alternate site, please call our number at (718) 823-0327 and leave a message. If we all work together, we may be able to come up with a viable solution.
Also, I want to express our sincere sympathy to Mike Walsh on the passing of his wife, Sophie. Mike and Sophie have been great members of the association and we will miss her at our meetings.
You will be receiving updates regarding the group home in our column. Keep your eyes open.