In October we reflect on a breast cancer cure

The Bronx Times is pink this week! All for a good cause. Breast cancer awareness.

We all know someone that’s been effected by breast cancer. Each year more and more strides are made to combat and raise awareness against the cancer, especially in the Bronx.

Orchard Beach will be hosting its annual Strides Against Breast Cancer Walk on Sunday, October 20 and it’s not too late to register for the cause.

The walk takes place on a 3.2-mile stretch of the Orchard Beach Promenade and the adjacent and scenic Hunter Island nature trail, with a pleasant fall breeze coming off the Long Island Sound for the walkers.

While there is no fee to register and the whole community is welcome to participate, the American Cancer Society would love those who take part to help with its needed fundraising.

The money raised at the Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Walk helps fund cancer research and programs, and helps people in the borough with cancer diagnosis, such as those who have lost their hair during treatment and need wigs that are provided at the organization’s local headquarters at 2426 Eastchester Road.

The raising of money is especially poignant in the borough where this fundraising takes on the form of a grassroots movement, rather than individuals writing checks.

In past years, schools like P.S. 153 in Co-op City has raised between $10,000 to $12,000 and holds an hour and a half dance to raise the funds towards combatting the disease.

Another one of the biggest supporters of the Making Strides walk is NYPD Bronx Goes Pink, with borough police precincts signing up teams and holding a competition to see which precincts can raise the most money.

As a matter of fact, historically, borough cops raise between $15,000 and $20,000 each year.

This year the event has a raised a third of its $600,000 goal so far, you can join the cause at Your donation could go to saving life, perhaps even yours or a loved one’s someday.