Bronxite pens book on personal safety: ‘Prepared Not Scared’

Bronxite pens book on personal safety: ‘Prepared Not Scared’|Bronxite pens book on personal safety: ‘Prepared Not Scared’
Photo courtesy of Bill Stanton|Photo courtesy of Bill Stanton

A new book written by a nationally renowned safety expert from our borough promises to offer important details to keep your family and your personal information safe.

Bill Stanton, a nationally recognized safety and security expert and ex-NYPD police officer from City Island, completed his most recent book ‘Prepared Not Scared’, which is being published by Simon & Schuster impression Galvanized Media.

It is now available for pre-order on and draws on Stanton’s three decades of personal experience helping people be safe and secure, as well as advice from an A-team of nationally recognized experts in the field.

The book is a guide, providing easy to digest information and stories from Stanton’s colleagues at the highest levels of the safety and security field, and from the author’s own experience.

“In this book, I have called upon my personal friends who happen to the apex of their respective fields in safety and security,” said Stanton.

The book covers home safety, home security, self defense, safety in the workplace from avoiding harassment to office terrorism, cyberspace security, preparing for the hazards of being away from home, protecting your children, auto safety, safety for pets, illicit drugs, detecting deception and interacting with law enforcement.

The book is endorsed by Bill Bratton, the former NYPD and LAPD commissioner who is a personal friend, said Stanton.

It contains advice from experts like Dan O’Connor, head of security for the Central Intelligence Agency, and Dr. Marisa Randazzo, a former secret service agent who specializes in child psychology on protecting children, to name a few, said Stanton.

“We have almost 500 years between the different experts in the book of professional experience in safety and security,” said Stanton.

People know they need safety and security, but oftentimes many people look at it like eating vegetables – they are good for you but you don’t necessarily like it, said Stanton.

“What this book looks to accomplish is to give you factoids in easy to read and digestible chunks that you may just enjoy,” said Stanton. “This book is a culmination of my experience from when I was a 20-year-old rookie in the NYPD to today; everything is in this book and I am proud of it.”

‘Prepared Not Scared,’ appeals to everyone, he said.

“One of the things that everybody has in common is that everyone cares about their children, their family, their personal safety and their identity on the Internet,” said Stanton. “That covers every socio-economic, religious and cultural background in this country.”

He added: “We all care about our children, and we all care about the safety of our home, and that is in what is ‘Prepared, Not Scared.’”

A-list celebrities including superstar actor Sylvester Stallone, and ‘Inside Edition’ anchor Deborah Norville TV broadcaster Megyn Kelly share words of support on the book jacket.

Stanton was a bodyguard to celebrities like Stallone.

He is a frequent guest on national television programs, and is also the co-author of the novel ‘Badge of Evil.’

Reach Reporter Patrick Rocchio at (718) 260–4597. E-mail him at Follow him on Twitter @patrickfrocchio.
Bill Stanton, a City Islander who is a safety expert, is the autor of Prepared, Not Scared.
Photo courtesy of Bill Stanton