Flower Farm sets up Halloween-themed haunted house

Flower Farm sets up Halloween-themed haunted house|Flower Farm sets up Halloween-themed haunted house
Photo courtesy of Richard Rosario Photography|Photo courtesy of Richard Rosario Photography

The Flower Farm recently set up a Halloween-themed haunted house for the entire month of October so local children and families could enjoy various Halloween festivities. The haunted house, which was set up in the back of the Flower Farm, included a dark and scary walkway, a make-believe cemetery, a pumpkin patch and monsters which were placed throughout the Halloween-themed scenery.

Reach Reporter Steven Goodstein at (718) 260-4599. E-mail him at sgoodstein@cnglocal.com.
A make-believe cemetery on a hill included gravestones, flowers, skeleton bones and caution tape.
Photo courtesy of Richard Rosario Photography