Thirty two students from Cardinal Spellman High School were inducted on April 24 into the Sequere Deum Chapter of the National Honor Society. Rev. Francis Principe, director of Spiritual Activities, began the ceremony with a prayer, and Neil McCarthy Ph.D., Principal of the school, welcomed those in attendance. Dr. McCarthy praised the students for their “incredible God given talent, used academically, to become outstanding Christian individuals.” Ms. Trudy Keane, moderator of the NHS for twenty years, pointed out that the select group “has shown superior leadership skills.”
Current NHS members Ancy Andrews, Jennifer Batista, Emily Elliott, Shanai Walker, and Juliette Brandon assisted with the ceremony. Candles representing the four attributes desired of members: scholarship, character, leadership, and service, were lighted. As their families looked on, the students then received the National Honor Society medallion. The NHS serves as a reflection on one’s high academic achievement as well as recognition of strong character, good citizenship, and service to others. Following the ceremony, a reception was held in the school cafeteria for the new members, their families, school administrators, and faculty.