The confirmation of Bronx native Sonia Sotomayor as the first Hispanic U.S. Supreme Court Justice will not go without celebration in the borough. Two elected officials are planning on inviting her back to where it all began for a victory celebration.
Congressman Jose Serrano will partner with Borough President Ruben Diaz, Jr. in planning a celebration in the Bronx for Sonia Sotomayor following her confirmation to the Supreme Court.Sotomayor was confirmed by a U.S. Senate vote of 68-31.
“A few weeks ago, I had the honor of testifying before the Senate Judiciary Committee on behalf of Judge Sotomayor; that was a great honor for me because of all that this nominee represents to me and my community,” Serrano said. “And now the Senate has made history by confirming her. I cannot describe the feelings of happiness and pride, and what it means to me personally. In honor of this historic event, I spoke with Judge Sotomayor and with her approval, have begun to organize a celebration in the Bronx to honor her and the community from which she has come.We are so proud of her and this is the best way to show it.”
Serrano said that he called Borough President Diaz and asked him to partner with him in organizing the celebration so that everyone will finally have a way to express our pride in Justice Sotomayor’s achievements.
Diaz had already written to President Obama in May, urging him to nominate the Bronx native to the Supreme Court.
“The Bronx has a new ambassador, Sonia Sotomayor,”
Diaz said. “Her confirmation to the Supreme Court makes us extremely proud and at this moment, in every corner of our borough, Bronxites of all political stripes are celebrating this historic achievement.”
Diaz added: “Sonia Sotomayor represents the best of our borough, and she has always been proud of her Bronx background and her childhood in the Bronxdale Houses. She will be a great role model for Bronx children. The Senate has confirmed an amazing individual as our newest member of the Supreme Court, and Bronxites everywhere are overjoyed.”
Details about the celebration, which may include a parade, will follow in coming weeks.