ITEM: New York is still the place for musicians to come to be seen and heard. A case in point is singer/songwriter Lara Macmillan from Toronto who came to apartment sit for a friend and made sure to hit all the main venues like The Bitter End, The Living Room and other places of singer/songwriter interest. Her songs reveal a tender winsome quality with wry lyrics. She’s already got a following in Canada and hopes to follow suit in New York City. First things first though; releas-ing her new CD! You can check her out at and hear such key tracks as the great “Mettle in You” and the unique “Miss Mercury”.
ITEM: Happy 10th birthday to the Starving Artist Gallery in City Island!
ITEM: The Band “What Next” featuring Jim Fulgione, one of the area’s greatest guitar players who grew up in the Neck, is doing a very big outdoor concert on Sunday, September 21, noon to 5 p.m. Rain date is the following Sunday, September 28. The band is told it's up to 20,000 people expected. It’s four separate bands on four separate stages, and Jimmy and the boys have the biggest stage. It's the annual Street Fair for Great Neck Long Island (ten minutes over the Throgs Neck Bridge). More on this and “What Next” soon!
ITEM: You know what I love? The Bronx is becoming like Hollywood on the east coast! I got a call this week from film maker Anton Evangelista about his new documentary that traces the healing effects of laughter. The film will be having a major Bronx premier at The Whitestone Theater soon. I will have more details next week. In the meantime Bronx actor/writer/producer Wayne Gurman’s effort with Director Billy Lappe along with producer/novelist James McSherry continues to garner great advance word. “Bronx Paradise” features what I feel is an amazing on screen camaraderie be-tween the two leads: Wayne him-self and John Palumbo. Adding to the new Hollywood in New York label is of course the great Harrington Talents based out of City Island. There is also indie director Billy Burke who has made a niche for himself making top of the line videos for bands that he finds interesting. Billy has gotten so good he’s been invited to tour and film with signed alternative group The East Village Opera Company. There are so many other local film makers and screen writers in the Bronx who I am hearing about that the “Rock” in “Rock on the Bronx” will continue to expand to include local film makers.
ITEM: Speaking of “Bronx Paradise” my good friend Joe Diaz plays a strong supporting role in the movie. Joe is a brilliant actor and all around great guy. One of my key memories of Joe is long before the country discovered a certain comedian, Joe use to go and see this up and coming cat named Andrew Dice Clay. Joe would spread the word far and wide about this guy. Of course the world caught on pretty quickly after that. Coincidence? We’ll never know! (Joe is also the number one KISS fan.)
ITEM: The wise and productive scenester Anita Colby and friends are the force behind a new idea that’s been really taking off. Revolution! is the new rock n roll dance party in the up and coming Mott Haven neighborhood of South Bronx right on the doorstep of Manhattan. You can check it all out at Rock on. Rock out!