PSA7 Community Council Board, Moor Houses Resident Council Board host National Night Out
By Bronx TimesPosted on
A group photo with Community Council President, Barabara Holmes; Moore House Resident Association members; Bronx Borough President, Vanessa Gibson holding a Proclamation recognizing August 6 as National Night Out; PSA7 Commanding Officer Kwo; Council Member Rafael Salamanca; and Dana Elden, St. Mary’s Park Houses Resident Council.
Photo Jewel Webber
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The Police Service Area 7 (PSA7) Community Council Board and Moore Houses Resident Council Board presented NNO(National Night Out) on Aug. 6. National Night Out is an annual community-building campaign, held on the first Tuesday of every August, that promotes police community partnerships.
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Community members go from table to table, enjoying Bouncy Houses, a game truck, food, drinks, and more before the rain. Photo Jewel Webber
Community members enjoyed food, drinks, giveaways, a game truck,and a rock wall. There were many tables at this event giving away essential items, and treats, as well as letting community members know of the services they offer.
The Bronx Community Justice Center and Save Our Streets (SOS) table members at their table with one of the Legal Hand Bronx volunteers. This was one of the many tables at this event giving away essentials, and treats, and letting community members know of the services they offer. Photo Jewel Webber
Bronx Borough President Vanessa Gibson was also present with Council Member Rafael Salamanca Jr. and other local officials. Gibson came with a proclamation recognizing Aug. 6 as National Night Out.
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