Pelham Parkway escalator replacement facing hiccups, but Bronx escalator performance soars

A water leak at the Pelham Parkway interrupted planned replacements for two escalators at the station, an MTA spokesperson told the Bronx Times.
Photo courtesy Friends of Pelham Parkway

A water leak at the Pelham Parkway train station interrupted planned replacements for two escalators at the station last fall, and an MTA spokesperson told the Bronx Times that the two escalators could be back in service next month.

Improving the reliability and functionality of Bronx escalators had been one of the ongoing goals of the MTA’s Capital Replacement Program, where four escalators sited at the Pelham Bay Park, Pelham Parkway and Intervale stations were set to receive upgraded infrastructure.

MTA officials said that contractors experienced water infiltration from a water leak during construction at the station, which was later resolved. As for the escalator itself, the MTA said a return to service date is being delayed pending the completion of a series of inspections that is hamstrung by the availability of inspection crews.

The escalator replacements for the Pelham Bay Park and Intervale stations proceeded without problem this fall and are currently operational.

The Bronx only has 12 escalators within the MTA transit system compared to 34 in Brooklyn, 44 in Queens, and 185 in Manhattan. Since July, Bronx escalator performance — once the lowest in the city in terms of availability and service — has risen from 71% to 93% in a six-month span.

In all, NYC Transit is in charge of 233 escalators and 294 elevators, with $810 million dedicated for transit escalator replacements in the 2020-2024 Capital Program.

Reach Robbie Sequeira at or (718) 260-4599. For more coverage, follow us on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram @bronxtimes