P.S. 105, one of the largest public schools in the Bronx, will now have a SMART Board in every classroom.
Over the last five years, Councilman Jimmy Vacca has allocated funds through the City Council to purchase SMART Boards, or interactive whiteboards, for the Pelham Parkway elementary school.
The final 11 classrooms are expected to receive SMART Boards within the next four weeks. P.S. 105 faculty is ready to engage their students with the new technology.
Vacca and Council Speaker Christine Quinn visited the school on Wednesday, September 7 to check out what the SMART Boards can offer students.
A handful of students joined computer technology teacher Margaret Horgan and other faculty members in demonstrating how the SMART Boards enhance the learning experience for students.
“Learning in schools also means that we have to keep up with emerging technologies in the classroom,” Quinn said. “These SMART Boards that will be equipped in all classrooms will help students become more engaged in their education.”
Daniel Flores, who is preparing for 5th grade, was one of the students who joined the distinguished guests for the demonstration. The 10-year-old honor student hopes to be president of the United States one day, and he believes the use of SMART Boards in schools today will really help his chances.
“I truly appreciate the SMART Boards because it brings learning to a whole new level,” Flores said. “The internet and the technology we have today is truly amazing. It is great to have these opportunities because it makes learning fun, interesting and interactive.”
School principal Christopher Eustace, who has been the head of the school for the last six years said it’s not hard to see that the new technology has increased students’ interest in academics.
“The first shipment of SMART Boards came in the year after I came to P.S. 105, and it was really exciting to see a new learning opportunity such as that,” Eustace said. “It has brought a tremendous, positive change to our school.”