The NYC Department of Sanitation brought its Trucks of Art, an art exhibit using collection trucks as canvas, to Fordham Plaza on Tuesday, Augst 20. Artists from across the city beautified five trucks to encourage sustainability and honor the men and women who make up New York’s Strongest.

Even the trucks’ compartment rear loaders featured creative designs.
Photo by Miriam Quin

Energy Tech High School students created a mural that likens DSNY’s workforce to superheroes.
Photo by Miriam Quin

(l-r) DSNY Graphic designer Danielle Yang, community affairs liaisons Christopher Velez and Teresa Cunningham with artists Misha Tyutyunik and Victor Saint-Hilaire’s abstract mural reminding people to recycle.
Photo by Miriam Quin

Jillian White, a fine artist and DSNY civilian employee serving its Staten Island repair shop, used her mural to honor NY’s Strongest and inspire people to recycle.
Photo by Miriam Quin

Manhattan artist Dister’s canvas honored NY’s Strongest for their work each day.
Photo by Miriam Quin