Lehman College’s Student Life building has a new life – and a new look.
The campus center was recently upgraded and updated for the 21st century.
A ribbon-cutting and opening ceremony was held at the building on Wednesday, Oct. 30 to celebrate the renovation process.
The building features renovated space for the college’s Student Government Association, Student Legislative Assembly, Student Radio, and the Office of Campus Life.
Student Government Association campus facilities officer Chardonnray McMillian said in her remarks at the ceremony that the new student life building renovation means that students in clubs or student government will not have to scramble to find a classroom to hold student activities, among other things.
“We students learn to take responsibility,” she said. “We create all of our events, and through our clubs and student government, [and] we can reflect on the information we have obtained over the years. And we can express ourselves and our character.”
The building is both a “safe haven,” and a ticket out of students’ comfort zones, she added.
The reconstruction created additional space on the building’s first and second floors by demolishing walls, producing space with individual entrances for 31 separate student groups.
The building was wired for high-speed internet access, and will have the fastest internet on campus.
The main entrance of the building now juts out in a modernist design that also floods the interior entrance with natural light.
Wall space in the building will also be used as a gallery of sorts, showcasing student art work and photographs, and providing another outlet for expression.
José Magdaleno, vice-president of student affairs, said that the renovation accomplished a trio of goals: providing room for student organizations to meet and plan, creating a high-speed wireless internet system and outfit the building with the latest technologies, and improving the overall condition of the building.
“Essentially, what we are looking to do is provide an infrastructure to improve the quality of campus life for our students,” he said.
Joining Magdaleno and McMillian were City University of New York-Lehman College president Dr. Ricardo Fernandez; Vincent Zucchetto, executive assistant to the vice-president of student affairs; and Michael Sullivan, director of campus life.
The renovation was financed with $1.98 million in funding from the Lehman College Association for Campus Activities and CUNY, according to the school.