Times are tough, but everyone loves a bagel. So reasoned Vito Elia of Vito’s Deli and now…Angela’s Bagels Plus.
Elia opened the bagel shop, named after his wife, on Monday, April 27. According to Elia, Angela’s will offer an alternative to Dunkin’ Donuts.
“Pelham Bay needs a nice, sit-down bagel place,” he said. “We’ll have all different kinds of bagels, 12 kinds of cream cheese. Strawberry, blueberry, olive.”
Angela’s, at the former site of Gianna’s Café, on Crosby Avenue just past Coddington, will also serve ices, muffins, donuts, Danishes, salads and bagel sandwiches. According to Elia, many purveyors charge $10 for a dozen bagels. Angela’s will charge $5.99.
“Everyone is hurting out there,” Elia said, referring to the down economy. “We’re going to set our prices really low.”
Elia signed a lease two months ago and installed new counters, new décor and a new bagel machine. He opted for a gray color scheme.
“I feel great,” Elia said. “Dunkin’ Donuts isn’t cheap. We’re going to offer coffee and a donut for $1.85. People can’t wait for Angela’s to open.”
The shop will accommodate six or seven two-person tables. The corner of Crosby and Coddington is quiet, so Elia will rely on loyal Vito’s Deli customers at first. He hopes to add new customers, too.
Angela’s closest neighbors are a deli, Chinese restaurant and a nail salon. Elia plans to sponsor an Atlantic City trip for local seniors. Three neighborhood hires will run the shop.
“I hope Angela’s opening will help the whole strip,” Elia said.
The name of the shop was a surprise. Elia had the awning printed and put in place, then took his wife by.
“She thought I was crazy,” he said. “I’m not. I just like competition.”