Whether you are looking to take a stroll in the park or a place to gather the family together, Pelham Parkway South will be your solution during the first ever Community Music Festival.
On Sunday, June 14, residents of Pelham Parkway may hear a more pleasant sound than the noisy streets, as music fills the air from Bronx Park, site of the Oscar Comras Mall monument, located at Bronx Park East and Lydig Avenue.
The festival is possible through the work of the Pelham Parkway South Neighborhood Association with contributions from the Bronx Arts Ensemble and Councilman Jimmy Vacca.
“This is the first time we are doing this, and we hope it to be the first of many,” said Edith Blitzer, president of the PPSNA. “The important thing is to bring the community together.”
Latino and Dixieland music, a New Orleans style of jazz, will play in the park from 1 to 5 p.m.
All are invited to attend the free concert and are encouraged to bring their own chairs, blankets, and supplies.
“Our association is trying to give back to our community and improve its quality of life,” said Blitzer. “The children will have fun running around the park. People can come down, listen to some music and forget their problems. It is a day of fun.”
Inclement weather could force the festival to be rescheduled to a later date.