On 73rd anniversary, Forum to revisit the murder of NYPD’s Alfred Loreto

On, July 21, 1950, the Morris Park neighborhood experienced a tragic and totally unforeseen event that reverberated throughout the Bronx and within New York City itself.
The East Bronx History Forum (EBHF) will present a talk and slideshow detailing exactly what happened. Friday, July 21 is the 73rd anniversary of this tragic event that resulted in the death of off-duty NYPD Patrolman Alfred Loreto, shield #1524, and the subsequent naming of the newly constructed Loreto Park and Playground the following year.
Loreto was shot and killed by two robbery suspects while off-duty in civilian clothes and coming to the aid of a man who had been beaten by the suspects near Yates and Morris Park avenues, according to the Officer Down Memorial Page.

Please join us at St. Francis Xavier School located at 1711 Haight Ave. on July 21 at 7 p.m. as EBHF vice president Tom Vasti leads the presentation and details the tragic loss of Patrolman Loreto. Feel free to check out our webpage at Bronxnyc.com or contact us directly at EastBronxHistory@gmail.com for any questions or details.

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