A motorcyclist has died following a traffic accident last Saturday at the intersection of Eastchester Road and Pelham Parkway North. According to police, Danny Cornejo, 31, was riding his motorcycle on Pelham Parkway North toward Eastchester Road on Saturday, July 15 at 9 p.m. when he failed to properly navigate the roadway. Cornejo reportedly fell off his bike and slid underneath a SUV stopped at a red light. The motorcyclist was pinned underneath the vehicle and suffered traumatic cardiac arrest. Police stated that a 63-year-old Yonkers man operating the SUV remained on the scene. An unconscious and unresponsive Cornejo was rushed to Jacobi Medical Center, but was later pronounced deceased. Police arrested the driver and charged him with driving while under the influence. It has not yet been confirmed if the driver will face any additional charges. Photo by Edwin Soto