The Trump Golf Links at Ferry Point, located at the very tip of Throggs Neck, is no doubt already tremendous by the current Republican presidential candidate’s estimation. But that’s probably as big as it will get – for now.
The city has denied a proposal from Trump Ferry Point, the limited liability corporation that operates the upscale links, to expand the course into the unfinished waterfront area adjacent to the present golf course.
The proposal, submitted earlier this month, called for the expansion of the 17th and 18th holes into the waterfront area just north of the Whitestone Bridge.
In exchange the company would develop the adjacent piece of land gratis.
However, in return, the developer asked for a 20-year extension to its current 20-year contract to counter the improvement’s $15 million pricetag.
Deputy Mayor Alicia Glen submitted the decision to Eric Trump, in a letter dated Monday, October 17, obtained by the Bronx Times from the mayor’s office.
“The city’s proposal for Ferry Point Park will provide the east Bronx with a crucial recreational amenity, waterfront access, and a protected wetland,” Glen states in her letter.
“We have no interest in changing direction in order to allow a cosmetic improvement to a golf course that is …already recognized as one of the best new courses in the nation.”
The NYC Parks Department is already planning to develop the section of the park in question to make it accessible to the public, according to the mayor’s office. That plan was presented at the September Community Board 10 meeting.
CB 10 chairman Martin Prince said the board had planned to hear a presentation on the Trump Links proposal at an upcoming meeting after being approached by the developer when news of the deputy mayor’s rebuke broke Monday.
“That threw everything into turmoil,” Prince said.
The board is now looking to hold a public hearing on both the Trump and the parks department proposals, tentatively scheduled for Monday, November 14 at a yet-to-be-determined location.
Prince said the board wanted the public to have a chance to give their input on both projects, and that public opinion could possible sway the opinion of the mayor’s office on the golf course expansion.
“This is not a political thing for us,” he said. “If something is being proposed, we need to hear it.”
Calls to Trump Corporation for comment were not immediately returned.
Donald Trump’s presidential aspirations are at odds with the mayor.
Mayor deBlasio, a Hillary Clinton supporter, has publicly stated that his administration has explored ways to get out of the Ferry Point contract, as well as other Trump contracts.
The city administration has since decided to avoid the litigation that would likely ensue from the operator if they went that route.
Given those circumstances, extending the current Ferry Point contract was not a consideration, a mayor’s office spokesperson said.
The 7,400-yard facility, that opened in 2015, was the first public course to open in New York City in more than 50 years.
Trump and golf legend Jack Nicklaus were then hired to run the facility and maintain it after the original developer defaulted in 2011.