Now 75-pounds lighter than his once 260 pound frame, the E. Tremont and Logan avenues resident has gained a new lease on life, awarded for his dramatic improvements with a style makeover by Jai Rodriguez, the Emmy award-winning former co-host of the hit Bravo series, Queer Eye for the Straight Guy.
“If you want to lose the weight, you stick to it,” he said.
At an height of 5’10, Bronx native Trantos’ above average weight of 260 pounds, made carrying on with his hectic life exceedingly taxing. As a full time chef in Long Island, Trantos was averaging 70-hour workweeks, something his back could no longer endure.
“It was terrible not being able to do any extracurricular activates because of my back,” said Trantos. “It got to the point where I couldn’t even put my kids in the car seat.”
According to Trantos, doctors told him to lose the weight, so he took the initiative and began to research weight loss tactics.
Because his job requires him to be around food all the time, his biggest challenge was learning how to eat low fat, healthy meals.
But exercising and cutting back on eating never worked for him, and he was skeptical about unverified weight loss supplements; but then he heard about Alli, the first and only approved over -the-counter weight loss product by the Food and Drug Administration.
Alli, which targets overweight adults struggling to lose weight, is a reduced-strength form of orlistat (Xenical), a drug treating obesity. Alli isn’t an appetite suppressant; rather, it affects the digestive system by decreasing absorption of fat by the intestines, which reduces the number of calories you absorb.
While Trantos didn’t experience any negative side effects, some could include gas with an oily anal discharge, loose stools or diarrhea, and changes in bowel movements.
Trantos, who is down to 185 pounds from 260 pounds last August, exceeding his goal by five pounds gives credit to Alli. In doing so he, along with four other women were recognized at a press conference in Chelsea on Tuesday, June 24, celebrating the one-year anniversary of Alli.
Trantos was given his style makeover, one that gave him a new look to go with his weight loss.
“The event was just great and the makeover was even better,” said Trantos. “I never even heard of Jai Rodriquez before, but it was a great experience, plus I got to keep the BCBG suit he dressed me in.”
Trantos, whose story will be told in a new book entitled, “We Lost it,” featuring real stories of Alli users from across the country, is more active than ever going on weekly bike rides with his wife and three daughters. According to Trantos, he is more energetic, less defensive, and has a much better self-image.
“My back rarely hurts now. It might get still once in a while, but it’s nothing like it once was,” said Trantos. “I feel great, my weight doesn’t limit me anymore.”