Local grocery wholesaler gives back with turkeys for Bronx residents

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Krasdale Foods donates turkeys to The Point.
Photos courtesy of Krasdale Foods

One local grocery wholesaler based in the Bronx made sure that borough residents had an essential part of their Thanksgiving meals this year.

With a 112-year history of giving back to the Bronx, Krasdale Foods in partnership with meat supplier Porky’s, donated 500 turkeys on Thursday, Nov. 19 to DreamYard at 1085 Washington Ave. and Friday, Nov. 20 to Bronx residents at The Point at 940 Garrison Ave.

Additional turkeys were distributed to WHEDco at 1240 Gerard Ave., the Mott Haven Community Fridge at 141st Street and St. Ann’s Avenue and several other community fridges in the Bronx.

“With some help from our friends at Porky Products, we delivered 500 turkeys to local Bronx families. Big shout out to DreamYard for organizing this wonderful distribution event and to Assemblywoman Amanda Septimo for helping us out!” said Krasdale Foods on Facebook.