One local writer is celebrating an important milestone.
Life-long Bronxite and current Morris Park resident Stephanie Hoina recently published her first book, a young adult novel called “Kissing Atticus Primble.”
A freelance writer and communications consultant, Hoina said she’s been writing as a hobby since she was young.
“I’ve always, always written,” she said.
She started writing this particular book in 2006, and would pick it up and put it down over the years. She completed it last February, and sent chapters to an independent publisher on the recommendation of a friend. Hoina said she’s excited to finally have the finished product.
“I’ve been living with these characters for so long,” she said.
The book, released by Whimsical Publications on August 2, follows character Kathleen through high school as she navigates personal relationships. Kathleen is torn between her changing relationship with a childhood best friend, Atticus Primble, and the romantic attention shown to her from the more popular Bobby O’Hara. Hoina said she drew on the confusion of puppy love and butterflies that she experienced as a teen.
“She feels all these feelings and doesn’t know how to handle it,” said Hoina about Kathleen.
The story is a short, light read, said Hoina, and the book is geared towards ages 12-16. But she hopes adults will read and enjoy it as well, and that it might transport them back to the crazier days of high school.
“It’s for anyone who wants to be back in touch with their teenage self,” she said.
Hoina, who has a 14-year-old son, said she was drawn to the young adult genre because she enjoys revisiting her experiences and feeling as a teenager.
“It’s a voice that’s strong in me,” she said.
She already has plans to continue telling Kathleen’s story, and is working on the sequel to “Kissing Atticus Primble.”
As for her current book, she said she has modest expectations for the sales, but she’d be happy if a few hundred people find the book and connect to it.
“It was fun to write, and hopefully it’s fun to read,” said Hoina.
The book can be purchased online directly from the publisher at, as well as from Amazon or Barnes & Noble, and Hoina hopes to place the book in local stores soon. Learn more about the author or the book at