Letter: Bronx GOP’s tactics were a ‘disgraceful display’

Mike Rendino 2
Bronx GOP Chair Michael Rendino argues with a supporter of George Havranek after the June 13 protest.
Photo Aliya Schneider

To the Editor,

The Bronx Times covered Bronx GOP Chairman Mike Rendino’s disgraceful display outside Patricia’s restaurant on the evening of June 13. The protest — complete with a bullhorn and poster carrying marchers — was ostensibly held in order to challenge a handful of alleged invalid signatures on candidate George Havranek’s petitions. Petitions which were already challenged through the city Board of Elections and in the courts and were found to be valid.

Both the timing and the manner of accusation are very suspect to me.

Why didn’t these accusers come forward earlier, rather than so close to the primary? It’s difficult to believe that they all just now discovered the forgeries that are alleged. One of the accusers is a co-owner with Rendino on two properties. So, if his signature was forged, he obviously would have known about it way sooner than the week of the fundraiser.

The display held outside of Patricia’s, the restaurant that was trying to conduct business was disgraceful. If allegations of wrongdoing need to be brought forward it could have been accomplished through a press release and a press conference. There was no need for a megaphone and marchers making a ruckus outside of a private business.

Especially condemnable was Rendino’s attempt to target a local civic association. When one enters the political arena he or she should expect that attacks — founded and unfounded — come with the territory. George Havranek, Mike Rendino, Kristy Marmorato, Marjorie Velázquez and any other political players are — for better or worse — fair game.

However, Rendino wasn’t satisfied by merely attacking George Havranek. He stooped so low as to attack Havranek’s supporters. That is tantamount to attacking innocent civilians on the field of war.

His statement to the Bronx Times regarding a local respected businessman is especially revealing: “I just wanted him to feel uncomfortable, I wanted John Cerini to feel uncomfortable, and that’s it.”

Why should Cerini be made to feel uncomfortable? Should any and all of us be made to feel uncomfortable if our choice of candidate differs from that of the Bronx GOP chairman? What’s Rendino’s message here?

And what does this imply as to candidate Marmorato? In the event that she were to win the general election, is this the pattern of intimidation that can be expected from her? Will shopkeepers be targeted for having the wrong campaign poster in their window? Will residents be targeted for writing a critical letter to the press?

Joseph Vaini

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