To the Editor,
The following is an open letter sent to Jeremy Warneke, district manager of Community Board 11.
So now, we have the 200-bed men’s shelter at Westchester Square (2019); the 200-bed men’s shelter at Poplar Street (2020); and now this one, to be located at 2028 White Plains Road? How is Community Board 11 to weigh in on all of those supposedly within our boundaries who need these shelters if the city Department of Homeless Services does not become transparent as to who these shelters are going to service?
I can’t believe that all of these shelters are for those who reside within CB11. Please tell me we are going to have our community leaders, residents and elected officials united against saturating CB11. This is the location of the old bingo hall and pool hall that has been closed down. It is right across from Brady Park and the rest of Bronx Park East, on the main business corridor of White Plains Road. A block and half from P.S. 105 on Brady and Cruger avenues. If any one of these shelters gets finalized the Bronx will be carrying more than 37% of NYC homeless. Why are the other boroughs not carrying their fair share and the Bronx getting dumped on again?
Why is the city not spending money on what our three communities of Van Nest, Pelham Parkway and Morris Park need … middle schools and community centers. These are potential buildings already built that can house great middle schools or community centers. Why is money not being allocated for the future of Bronx children’s education?
This is unacceptable. We need a town hall on this.