Teachers are professionals; they have tenure, and teachers have families and mortgages to pay. They cannot be fired or forced to take leave. They are treated by this city like they don’t matter.
This vaccine has not been proven to be safe. In fact, there are side effects with this vaccine that have killed and injured people. Many doctors who care about their patients are advising people not to take the vaccine but their voices are being drowned out by the liberal media. The vaccine has caused sudden death in otherwise healthy people, paralysis, convulsions, heart conditions in young people, heart attacks and strokes, miscarriages and other complications for women. People should be screened before given this dangerous vaccine because of possible allergic reactions. Women of child-bearing age should not take the vaccine at all.
This vaccine does not cure, it does not prevent you from contracting the virus and it does not stop you from spreading the virus. So what’s the point? Money. That’s no reason to force the population to take this dangerous vaccine.
New York City is run by this communist mayor who wants to take control over the people of this city. This must stop. Give all employees the option to be screened and tested weekly. Mandates are never acceptable.