To the Editor,
Here are some ways to pay for both NYC DOT Staten Island Ferry and NYC Economic Development Corporation (EDC) private ferries programs. Adding a EDC ferry stop in City Island could benefit many Bronx residents. The Federal Transit Administration (FTA) announced a Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA) on May 18. This is an opportunity to apply for $50 million in competitive grant funding now available for its Passenger Ferry Grant programs.
The Passenger Ferry Grant Program supports capital projects to buy, replace or modernize passenger ferries, terminals and related equipment. For Federal Fiscal Year 2023, $50.1 million is available, of which $5 million is set aside specifically for low- or zero-emission ferries and related facilities/equipment.
FTA recipients such as city DOT can also choose to spend whatever they receive under their share of federal Fiscal Year 2023. The Federal Highway Administration has funding under several programs, including Congestion Mitigation Air Quality, Surface Transportation Program and others, which can be flexed or transferred to FTA to finance capital ferry projects.
Mayor Eric Adams should ask DOT Commissioner Ydanis Rodriguez to apply for these funds. NYC Economic Development Corporation President and CEO Andrew Kimball can do the same on behalf of the Private Ferry Operators Program. This is another great example of Washington providing financial assistance to promote public transportation.
Larry Penner
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