To the Editor,
In the Jan. 20-26 edition of this newspaper, I asked everyone to write their elected officials and and ask them to oppose cuts to health care programs such as TRICARE or charging fees for TRICARE For Life for military members, both active and retirees, and their families. I’m asking everyone to contact them again, this is why. On July 26, the Senate Armed Services Committee’s personnel subcommittee held a hearing on potential budgetary efficiencies
At this hearing, the Congressional Budget Office submitted a written statement that included multiple concepts to divert funds from various benefit and health care programs to meet DOD’s objectives,
one was to raise TRICARE fees for military retirees on fixed incomes, including seniors on TRICARE For Life who served more than 20 years of service, to generate savings in DOD’s compensation budget.
The cutting of TRICARE benefits or charging premiums and fees for health care after it has already been earned is unacceptable and a betrayal to those who have served this country honorably and faithful.
Our nation has an obligation both ethically and morally to support our military service members, retirees and families.
Robert Neglia
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