Letter: IPAs can bring cultural competency to MetroPlus

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To the Editor,

As ominous clouds of a resurgent COVID-19 looms, it’s imperative we learn from the first crisis, and fortify our health response, ensuring inclusivity and cultural competency for marginalized communities. Integral to this approach are Independent Physician Associations (IPAs), which, with their ethnically and linguistically diverse doctor networks, play a pivotal part in providing intersectional healthcare. The excellent work IPAs perform in delivering tailored health services to varied demographic groups, particularly amidst a pandemic, cannot be overstated.

It’s urgent for the city to support collaborations with health care networks like MetroPlus to weave IPA physicians into their network of providers. Understanding the dynamics of families, cultures, work habits, and intergenerational workings can be the difference between positive health outcomes and a trip to the ER. In our collective fight against the looming threats of COVID, flu, mental health crises and other challenges, let’s champion a health strategy that is inclusive, accessible and culturally competent to safeguard the neediest families and communities.

Juliana Londono

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