Around The Post
(Since 1927)
The next meeting of the Theodore Korony Post 253 will be at the Turner Club, third Sunday, February 15, 11 a.m. This meeting is after our big party. Should be very interesting to attend. We’ve been working on framing a picture of the post sign, as it appeared on the Edgewater Park VFD, when our forefathers met there many years ago. We’ll present it to them proudly real soon.
Around The Media
We just observed the peaceful transfer of government based upon the will of the people. How cool is that! Some places in the world still kill the ruling family or wipe out entire villages, including children, when rulers change. So, yes, we are the greatest nation on earth.
Around The County
Coming soon: Our annual dance, Saturday, February 14, at the Bronxonia Yacht Club. On Friday, February 27 there will be an old fashioned Spaghetti Dinner at the Young Post 620. State Commander’s visitation to the Bronx is at the end of March at the Turner Club. Let’s have a big turnout. Our April tradition, National Commander’s visit, will be at Antun’s Restaurant in Queens.
Around The Community
The wife very correctly pointed out that I neglected to mention a thanks to Senator Jeff Klein and Congressman Joseph Crowley. We hope to be involved in more veterans projects with them too this New Year.
Until Next Time
A man is as unhappy as he is convinced he is.