A Web site campaign spearheaded by local residents MaryAnn Pierro, Annamaria D’Onofrio and Mark Anthony Mellone, recently launched to help bring awareness to 10-year-old Nadia Uddin’s case.
Diagnosed with End Stage Renal Disease, also known as Chronic Renal Failure or Kidney Failure, Uddin explained on her Web site, “It means that my kidneys don’t work. It’s permanent. My kidneys won’t get better. I need a kidney!”
The site www.nadianeedsakidney.weebly.com and blog at www.nadianeedsakidney.blogspot.com are dedicated to finding help for this little girl.
Pierro said she thought of the idea after seeing a similar site for Gavin Ryne Winslow, a baby diagnosed with End Stage Renal Failure upon his birth in 2006.
The baby boy was connected to a machine every night for 10 hours for the peritoneal dialysis that kept him alive.
His own Web site generated vast support and eventually yielded a donor. On January 3, little Winslow received a successful transplant, changing his life forever.
While Uddin currently receives her own dialysis treatments three to four times each week at Montefiore Medical Center, she will soon undergo an operation to correct a vascular problem, that like baby Winslow, will require her to complete dialysis 10 hours a day, seven days a week.
Ready to relieve this little girl’s pain, Pierro said she’s doing all she can to make a difference.
“Baby Gavin received a kidney this year. I pray the Web sites and Internet campaign I create for Nadia will also save her life,” she said. “I am aware that through the vast resources on the Web, she stands a greater chance.”
Pierro is also currently constructing a YouTube site and MySpace page for Uddin.
“As far as the Web, there are unlimited possibilities,” Pierro added.
Anyone interested in helping the cause can contact the family at needskidney@gmail.com or attend the Morris Park Community Association meetings, every Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. at 1824 Morris Park Avenue.
“I would just like to thank everyone for their generous support during this time,” Uddin’s mom Jennifer Dutignola said. “If you would like to be considered as a potential kidney donor for Nadia, please contact us.”