The Juan Pablo Duarte Foundation and AT&T, joined by NYC Councilman Oswald Feliz held a back-to-school event on Sept. 18 to provide backpacks and school supplies to underserved communities in the west Bronx.
The initiative helps hard-hit students prepare for the new year and fight pandemic-induced learning loss. The JPD Foundation Back to School Event is part of AT&T’s “Connecting Communities Initiative,” a $50,000 investment from AT&T into communities across New York City.
“As many families in my district continue struggling to put together enough to afford essentials, it is incumbent on all of us to step-up and support families, students, and their education as they return to school,” Feliz said. “I am thankful to AT&T for stepping-up during these extraordinarily difficult times and supporting my community by sponsoring our bookbag giveaway event.”
Partnering with local community organizations, the AT&T Connecting Communities Initiative will support community engagement events across New York City throughout the year.
“Amidst all the uncertainty that children have faced and continue to face, the least we could do is guarantee that they can head into the new academic year with a full set of supplies,” said Timothy Tapia, regional director for New York City AT&T.