Students of Hyde Leadership Charter School will have a chance to work together and develop teamwork while they meet Mother Nature during the 8th Grade Wilderness Leadership Challenge.
From Monday, May 11 through Saturday, May 15, 75 students will exchange their normal studies at 730 Bryant Avenue, for a wilderness curriculum designed to enhance leadership capabilities and promote confidence through exposure to a new habitat and tasks.
“I am expecting to have a good time and to keep pushing myself and to not give up on myself,” said Satimah McFadden, 8th grade student. “I am kind of worried because I don’t like heights, but I guess I will conquer my fears and I will need my peers to push me. I think it will help me grow and boost up my confidence level”
The five-night stay will take place at the Hyde Wilderness School campus in Eustis, Maine.
As a Hyde alumni and administrator at the school, Joanne Goubourn is enthusiastic about the schools third visit, this year with enough funding to send the entire 8th grade class for the first time.
“It’s the adventure learning component that has always been an important aspect of what we do,” said Goubourn. “This is the first time we will be able to do this with the entire class, and I’m really excited its happening. It helps kids to understand to go after their personal best and gets them ready for college.”
The students will be divided into teams of eight, each with their own school chaperone and a trained instructor from the Hyde Wilderness School, to ensure the highest level of safety and personal attention for the students.
“Hyde School, and this particular place, are very serious about safety,” said Goubourn.
Groups will participate in hikes, canoe trips, rope courses, exploration of stars and planets, map and compass challenges, games and skits.
Daily chores for maintaining the camp environment, including fire preparation and cooking, will rotate each day to give every youth an opportunity to lead their group and peers.
“The school is quite amazing, they are really processing great children. I definitely expect Satimah to have a new insight as far as life goes and to realize the world is much bigger than what she sees everyday,” said Satimah McFadden’s mother, Cricket McFadden. “It will broaden her horizons and it’s a challenge for all of the students to do something out of their comfort zone. I expect this trip will have a huge impact on them.”