On Tuesday, April 7, in the Gym/Auditorium of the Icahn Charter Middle School#1, 22 distinguished young people in grades 6 to 8 were inducted into the Jeffrey Litt Chapter of the National Junior Honor Society. These students were selected by the school‘s Faculty Council to be admitted into this organization based on their scholarship, leadership, service, citizenship, and character. During the ceremony, each student made a pledge, while led by the chapter advisor, Michelle Allen, to uphold their promise of maintaining the highest expectance of students at the Icahn Charter School.
Principal Daniel Garcia, parent/guardian president Robin Williams and the chapter advisor Ms. Allen welcomed the students. The Honored speaker superintendent Jeffrey Litt who is the co-founder of the school as well as its’ first principal made a passionate plea that they continue in this vein of academic excellence through high school, college and life!
The Icahn Cheerleading Squad known as the Icahn Falcons cheered in support of their peers. Linda Collazo, one of the inductees played a selection of tunes for the crowd. They made us all proud.
New officers were chosen for 2009-2010 school year. The six students chosen for the positions listed below were nominated and voted on by their fellow new members. The new officers of NJHS in the Jeffery Litt Chapter are: president Jasmin Romero, vice-president Joshua Gonzalez, historian Milton Lopez, and secretary Lucretia Williams, committee chairperson Rema Waziri, treasurer Gabriel Lopez. These six members took on higher responsibilities and will help lead, encourage, and inspire the other 22 members of this chapter. The newly inducted members of the NJHS Jeffrey Litt Chapter are: Celine Arias, Marquese Capers, Isani Castro, Linda Collazo, Dominique Ellis, Breia Germany, Amaya Gomez, Joshua Gonzalez, Jason Gorden, Gabriel Lopez, Milton Lopez, Brandon McLean, Khayln Milton, Priyanka Pendharkar, Diniqua Phillip, Bryant Rodriguez, Jasmin Romero, Adama Sakho, Kameron Stone, Kyanna Trinidad, Rema Waziri, and Lucretia Williams. The NJHS advisor is Dean Michelle Allen. Ms. Allen called the inductees up to receive their NJHS emblem, membership card, certificate and to sign the registry. Principal Garcia made the evening’s closing remarks. After the ceremony, family, friends, faculty, staff and all of the students inducted into the NJHS were invited to a reception in the school‘s Multi-Purpose Room.