The Sons of Italy-Uguaglianza Lodge 83’s dinner dance was held on Friday, October 11 at Scavello’s On The Island. The event’s honorees included Frank Vignali, the civic award recipient, Jerome ‘Gino’ Raguso, the culture award winner, and the late Michele Greco of Mike’s Deli, who was honored with the heritage award.
OFDIA Uguaglianza Lodge 83 board members.
Photo by Silvio Pacifico
Louisa, David, and Marco Greco accepted the Heritage Award for Michele “Mike” Greco. Ugualianza Lodge board memers Vincent Buccieri and John Cerini, along with president Linda Cerbone, made the presentation.
Photo by Silvio Pacifico
Civic Award recipient Frank Vignali (c) with his wife and sons, Debra, Brian, and Christopher along with Uguaglianza board members Vincent Buccieri and John Cerini and President Linda Cerbone.
Photo by Silvio Pacifico
Culture Award recipient and Yankee fan Jerome ‘Gino’ Raguso with his mother, Chiara, and fiance Giovanna Petti, along with Uguaglianza board members Vincent Buccieri and John Cerini and president Linda Cerbone.
Photo by Silvio Pacifico
(sitting, l-r) Adam Sepulveda and state committeeman Tom Messina, (standing, l-r) Bronx Times-Reporter editor John Collazzi, Anthony Aquilino, Lenny Caro, Bronx Times-Reporter publisher Laura Guerriero and author and Yankees ambassador Ray Negron.
Photo by Silvio Pacifico