Cub Scout Pack 162 Blue and Gold Ceremony

Cub Scout Pack 162 Blue and Gold Ceremony|Cub Scout Pack 162 Blue and Gold Ceremony
Photo by Laura Stone|Photo by Laura Stone

Cub Scout Pack 162 held a Blue and Gold Ceremony at Holy Rosary Church on Sunday, March 22. This ceremony celebrates the anniversary of scouting, and features an advancement ceremony for the pack members. As part of the festivities, the scouts held a cake design contest that featured interesting culinary creations related to video games like The Legand of Zelda, Minecraft, and Pac Man.

Reach Reporter Patrick Rocchio at (718) 260–4597. E-mail him at Follow him on Twitter @patrickfrocchio.
All of the scouts of Pack 162 hold their certificates after their advancements.
Photo by Laura Stone