The 48 students receiving diplomas were the first class at the charter school, which opened its doors in 2003.
“Through its leadership and dedicated facility, the Bronx Charter School has become a strong school distinguished by a commonly-shared set of beliefs about teaching and learning, which is demonstrated through its strengths in student achievement, instructional leadership and professional development,” said Borough President Adolfo Carrion, in a proclamation given to the school for the graduation.
“Through these initiatives, the Bronx Charter School has provided its students with the necessary means for a well-rounded education – preparing them for life’s challenge,” the borough president added, before the school’s founder addressed the true reason for the school’s success.
“This is a true achievement for this school, its teachers, its students and all of is families,” said Dr. Ted Swartz. “These 48 children represent the inaugural class of a school that has dedicated itself toward creating a school in which teaching at all times serves learning. The tremendous success of this first graduating class confirms that we have made enormous strides forward. Now, it’s time for the next five years.”
Of those who graduated, 23 students received a scholarship of $500 each, through a fund established by Lowell Lifschultz, a member of the board at Bronx Better Learning.
In recognition of the school’s first graduating class, Carrion also issued a proclamation commemorating the event and declaring June 25, 2008 as The Bronx Charter School for Better Learning Day.
“Because of its dedication and commitment,” Carrion said, reading from the proclamation, “future students will continue to enjoy quality education in the true spirit of the Bronx Charter School for Better Learning.”