The Morris Park community is outraged at the dangerous eyesore located on Peirce Avenue, a result of over 30 years of neglect by an absentee owner.
Recently Community Board 11 has started taking action against numerous abandoned homes that seem to be increasing throughout the district, trying to force the landlords to take responsibility through enforcement.
The house at 1116 Peirce Avenue stands out from the rest because it’s been in this state of disrepair for three decades.
The property has numerous complaints and an open Environmental Control Board violation from Thursday, March 26, which cites the property as ‘failure to maintain the building in code.’
It further states that two-and-a half story building is open and unsecured, resulting in a $ 5,000 penalty.
The unsafe conditions were made apparent on Thursday, April 30, when a fire erupted on the first floor. The Fire Department arrived on scene at 3:52 p.m. and had the fire under control by 4:21 p.m.
According to the FDNY, it is believed some of the rubbish accumulation inside caught fire, but the specific cause remains under investigation.
Prior to the fire, the building received attention from neighbors after workers were reported entering the property and doing work on the home, though no proof was found during visits from the Department of Buildings that warranted a violation.
“We received notice a few months ago from neighbors that work had been going on there, but when approached they claimed to have been removing debris,” said John Fratta, district manager of CB11.
Following the fire, it is the hope of CB11 to have the home torn down to prevent further grievances and an unsafe environment.
“We would like to see something done with the property, but if the building is deemed secure we will have HPD [Housing Preservation and Development] board it up,” said Fratta. “We want to make sure it is safe and that kids and squatters are not getting in there.”