An alternate side parking plan was recently rejected by the committee studying the proposal.
On Tuesday, February 28, at Community Board 10’s monthly Municipal Services Committee meeting, committee members voted down a plan that would bring alternate side parking to streets in Throggs Neck.
During the meeting, members of both the committee and community board discussed the possibility of an alternate side parking scenario, before the committee voted the plan down.
The full board still has to vote on the matter at its public meeting at 7 p.m. on Thursday, March 16 at P.S. 175 on City Island.
Prior to the meeting CB 10 member Marjorie Velazquez launched a petition drive to give voices to residents in the area as well as to garner support to reject the proposal altogether.
“I am absolutely opposed to the city needlessly changing parking regulations in our community,” she said.
She even found a way to introduce presidential politics into the discussion by claiming that the golfers at Trump Links in Ferry Point Park, which abuts the residential area, were to blame for the trash.
She called on the golf course to prove Trump Organization’s commitment to being a good neighbor to these residents by stepping up its enforcement of litter collection around the course’s perimeter, eventhough the range is not the source of the debris.
Streets that have been considered for the plan include Miles Avenue between Balcolm and Emerson avenues as well as Emerson Avenue between Miles and Schurz Avenue, two stretches which border Trump Links at Ferry Point’s eastern portion.
Alternate side parking was proposed to take place on Mondays from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. on the park side of the streets.
The plan, which was originally requested to CB10 by the NYC Department of Parks & Recreation and NYC Department of Sanitation in November, was submitted in an effort to maintain the perimeter of Trump Links, which would include DOS sending a mechanical street sweeper through the selected streets once a week, as well as cleaning and weed whacking along the park/street perimeter.
Trump Links at Ferry Point declined to comment on the alternate side parking plan.
The community board did not comment on the plan, but said that they continue to encourage feedback from local residents regarding this plan before they vote in two weeks.