On Saturday, May 3, hundreds of Bronx residents will join together to clean up the borough in the fifth annual Team Up to Clean Up the Bronx.
Sponsored by Borough President Adolfo Carrion, Jr., more than 350 people are already signed up to help with the community beautification initiative.
“It’s a great idea,” Community Board 2 district manager John Robert said. “Every year we get more and more people participating.”
Spread out over the Bronx, the groups will target key quality of life issues such as littering, illegal dumping, graffiti and rodent infestation.
“It engages community associations, young people and senior citizens in conjunction with the borough president’s office to maintain the communities,” CB 10 district manager Ken Kearns explained. “It’s a great grassroots effort.”
With 35 groups already registered, each having 10 to 20 participants, the event is expected to be a huge success.
“It’s something that should be done year round,” CB 11 district manager John Fratta said. “You have neighborhood people taking ownership in their area. It sends the right kind of message to the community.”
Robert said he feels the effort is growing largely in part of the ever-increasing popularity of green living.
“It’s all sort of coming together because people are becoming more aware of this element,” he explained.
For more information call (718) 590-3914. To register, visit bronxboropres.nyc.gov/en/gv/teamup/involved.htm.
“The Team Up to Clean up campaign,” said Carrion, “is a reminder that the beautification and the improvement of the Bronx are in everybody’s hands.”