Bronx, Queens pols enjoy a friendly game of football

Bronx, Queens pols enjoy a friendly game of football|Bronx, Queens pols enjoy a friendly game of football
Photo by Silvio Pacifico|Photo by Silvio Pacifico

Elected officials from the Bronx and Queens battled it out on the football field, playing for bragging rights while supporting the troops.

Assemblyman Michael Benedetto representing the Bronx and Assemblyman Michael Den Dekker from Queens led their respective teams on Saturday, November 1 at the Lehman High School football field.

The touch football game raised money for the Wounded Warriors Project and USO, and ended in a 7-7 tie.

Reach Reporter Jaime Williams at 718-260-4591. E-mail her at jwill‌iams@‌cnglo‌
Assemblyman Carl Heastie (l) runs interference for D.A. Robert Johnson.
Photo by Silvio Pacifico