Crunching the Bronx crime numbers: robberies and grand larcenies plummet to end 2024

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File photo by Camille Botello

As the calendar flipped from 2024 to 2025, robberies and grand larcenies in the Bronx both saw significant declines during the 28-day period from Dec. 9, 2024, to Jan. 5, 2025, compared to the same period of time a year ago, according to the latest crime stats from the NYPD.

Robberies across the borough plummeted 29.2% over this period of time, from 449 reported cases in 2023-2024 to 318 in 2024-2025. Of the 12 precincts within the Bronx, 11 experienced decreases in robberies.

The 52nd Precinct, which covers Bedford Park, Fordham, Kingsbridge, Norwood, Bronx Park and University Heights, experienced the most significant drop in robberies across the borough during the 28-day period. Reported cases there fell from 55 last year to 28 this year.

Grand larcenies, like robberies, dropped by more than 100 cases in the Bronx across the 28-day period compared to the previous year. There was a 19.3% fall in grand larcenies across the borough, from 659 in 2023-2024 to 532 in 2024-2025.

The 50th Precinct, which oversees Riverdale, Fieldston, Kingsbridge, Marble Hill and Spuyten Duyvil, contributed by far the most to the steep decline in grand larcenies in the Bronx. Reported cases there were more than halved, dropping from 73 last year to 35 this year.

The total number of reported major crimes for the 28-day period ending Jan. 5 – which account for murder, rape, robbery, felony assault, burglary, grand larceny and vehicle thefts – went down significantly compared to the 28-day period a year ago. Major crimes sunk 12.24% over this period of time, from 2,246 cases in 2023-2024 to 1,971 in 2024-2025.

Despite the decline in overall crime, there was an increase in murders, rapes, felony assaults, and burglaries over the 28-day period. However, the crimes that dropped—robberies, grand larcenies, and vehicle thefts—did so at significantly sharper rates.

Major crime in the Bronx was largely flat for the entire 2024 year compared to 2023, although there was an uptick in shootings.