Up and coming entrepreneurs and local business owners will now have a place to get some work done thanks to the new Bronx Coworks on Third Avenue.
Creators of the Bronx Coworks and members of the 3rd Avenue Business Improvement District invited local community members and elected officials to a ribbon cutting at the new offices on Thursday, April 6.
Councilman Rafael Salamanca believes the space will be key for local business owners.
“Bronx Coworks will be a great resource for local small businesses,” said Salamanca. “We’ve seen similar models thrive in other parts of the city, and this offers a great opportunity for entrepreneurs and small businesses that either started in the Bronx and want to stay local to do so, and for others to locate here.”
“This could be huge,” he added.
Bronx Coworks is similar to the WeWork program which offers rentable office space throughout Manhattan, Brooklyn and Queens.
The co-working space, located on the third floor at 2825 Third Avenue, offers small offices, large offices, conference rooms, Wi-Fi, and a large common area with multiple sofas.
Members must pay an annual membership fee of $35 to use the space.
From there, Bronx Coworks offers multiple options to accommodate various needs.
If someone is looking to use the facility for a day, they can pay $25 and have access to Wi-Fi and the common area.
The $250 per month option allows you access to the common area, Wi-Fi, a personal locker and use of the conference room for 30 minutes.
The $375 per month option offers a desk in a bullpen area with other people who are also working.
The plan also includes 60 minutes of conference room use and access to a smart TV.
If you’re running a more professional operation, you can rent a private office starting at $525 per month.
The plan includes amenities similar to the previous options while offering filing cabinets and a lockable door.
Bronx Coworks also offers options for people looking to rent only the conference room.
Roger Saad, vice president of the BID and a stakeholder in the 2825 Third Avenue building, said Bronx CoWorks is a cheaper option for local business.
Saad said usually new businesses would have to find an office space, lease it, put down a security deposit and then spend money building the space to their liking.
“All of a sudden you’re in the red,” he said. “Here you don’t start off in the red – you start off positively.”
Michael C. Brady, director of the 3rd Avenue BID is excited about the possibilities the office space provides for the Bronx.
“Bronx Coworks is offering a co-working facility that one – promotes Bronx businesses – but two – builds a business network that can go beyond the Bronx,” said Brady
He also said having a coworking space can help with displacement in a redeveloping south Bronx.
“What better way to avoid displacement than offering affordable office space for Bronx-based businesses,” he said.
Brady said the space is already being used by an architect, graphic designer, freelance writers and even some major companies.
In addition, said Brady, a couple banks are looking to move some of their extra office needs to the facility.
The BID director also stressed that the space was not created using public funding.
Previously the space was used by a health and fitness center.