The Bronx Council on the Arts (BCA) announces the release of the fall 2008 Creative Bronx! Black Book – a new, updated version of the Bronx Black Book Creative Industry Directory in convenient PDF format. The Creative Bronx! Black Book is a vetted directory of quality creative business resources located in the Bronx, and is a valuable resource for anyone seeking specialized art and design services and products. The information is easy to access and it’s free.
Visit the directory online at, or request a copy by phone at (718) 401-7866.
This exciting new initiative of the Bronx Council on the Arts is helping to put Bronx businesses, one of New York City’s best-kept secrets, on the map. The directory showcases professional services available for museums and the fine arts industries, and also features services for interior design and decoration, musical services, photography, printing, textiles, and more. “This is a great guide for arts professionals – a one stop shopping of creative services just 10 minutes away! A great resource,” writes independent curator and art advisor Stacey Gershon, who is currently consulting on this project with BCA. The directory was launched in spring 2008 and is growing faster than expected. Since the initial publication, our listings have significantly increased. The website and hard copy will be updated regularly.
In the last six months, printed copies of a fine arts services shortlist were distributed at six spring art fairs in New York, sent to professional associations, and direct mailed to over 900 galleries, museums, and arts professionals in the New York region. The list is now being sent to cultural institutions in the New York metro region.
Call 718-401-7866 if you know of a Bronx creative industry that merits a listing in the book, or if you have feedback. The Creative Bronx! Black Book is a project of the South Bronx Cultural Corridor and is a program of the Bronx Council on the Arts.