With music from Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin and Jerry Vale playing throughout Bronx Center on Underhill Avenue, staff treated the residents to a celebration of the San Gennaro feast day on Sept. 23.
The day was filled with many activities designed to bring smiles to the residents, beginning with various carnival games organized by the recreation staff. These included spin the wheel, water penny drop, what’s under the cup and toss the ball.
The residents worked towards an appetite, so in the afternoon, a cart full of pizza from Johnny’s Pizza Diner on 180th Street, delivered 22 large pies and Recreation Leader Irma Mitchell played “That’s Amore” by Dean Martin each time she entered a floor. Recreation Director Diane Garofola and her staff, including Miriam Murrillo, Ineabelle Arroyo and Ivette Franco brought the pizza to the residents.
“The Bronx Center continues to do a community outreach to some of the Bronx’s favorite restaurants as a way to both boost morale here at Bronx Center, but to say to these great food restaurants and establishments,” said Jeff Sicklick, Bronx Center’s administrator. “We are here for you and we know how hard business has been during COVID-19, keep doing what you are doing which is to make people happy.”